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The Pedagogical Coordination Service is a continuous process, systematic and integrated throughout the curriculum, aiming at the integration and growth of the student, having as its basic functions to advise, plan, coordinate and evaluate educational actions with educators.
The Pedagogical Coordination Service is made up of Coordinators and its purpose and competence is to fulfill the activities inherent to it, those resulting from teaching standards and the provisions of these Rules.
The Educational Guidance Service has the function of assisting the student in the integral and harmonious development of his personality, ordering and integrating the elements that influence his formation and preparing him for the exercise of basic life options.
The Educational Guidance Service, together with the Pedagogical Coordination and Educators, will develop systematic follow-up work on all learning-related activities, as well as individual learner attendance and group sessions.
The Educational Guidance Service is established in accordance with current legislation and exercised by a legally qualified professional.
The Religious Guidance Service is the body responsible for organizing Religious Education and all activities that lead the student to develop and deepen not only knowledge of transcendental issues, but to incorporate it into the experience of their faith.
The Religious Guidance Service, in charge of a qualified professional appointed by the Maintainer, will be subordinate to the Direction and linked to the Pedagogical Supervision Service and Educational Guidance Service.
Passionist Youth Ministry
The Passionist Youth Ministry is the body in charge of promoting the spiritual and social development of the students, integrating them in the educational and local community, promoting specific activities and celebrations.
The Passionist Youth Ministry will seek the spontaneous adhesion of the students.
The faculty of the Passionist College Santa Maria is made up of all regent educators and duly qualified specialists, hired by the Board in accordance with the needs of the establishment, subject to the law.
Student Support Service
The Student Support Service is the body responsible for integrating the student into social life, cultivating order and climate appropriate to studies, and complying with internal disciplinary rules.
The Student Support Service will develop its action in close relationship with the Educational Guidance Service, being linked to the Religious Guidance Service and the Pedagogical Coordination.
The Student Support Service is provided by a qualified professional, subordinate to the Board and may have as many assistants as needed, according to the number of students.
Computer Service
It is the body that advises the Direction and the Pedagogical Supervision in the accompaniment of the technological development in the informatics field.
This service will be performed by a duly qualified professional and will be assisted by as many professionals as necessary to meet the school's pedagogical requirements.
System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Santa Luzia
Av. Dr. Zezinho Bonifácio, 1176 - Nova Cidade - Barbacena, MG
CEP 36205-704
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo