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Elementary School I

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Elementary School at the Passionist College Santa Luzia, lasting nine years, is based on the mental, social, emotional, spiritual and physical development of students based on ethics and morals. The pursuit of teaching excellence does not dissociate human formation from pedagogical formation, the belief is in the formation of the human being as a whole. Affectivity and assertiveness are the basis of all work.
In this modern, complex and rapidly changing world, work takes place through a curriculum of skills, interdisciplinarity and contextualization: education as a synonym for inclusive, reflective, argumentative and creative attitude. It is the construction of competences (mental structures) and skills (know-how). The curricula and respective contents of the Elementary School, contained in the Pedagogical Proposal and Curricular Plan, are established in order to achieve the objectives proposed in the Internal Regulations, those deliberated by Law 9394/96 and the National Curriculum Parameters.
Day by day we train, diagnose and ally our students in order to permeate all the work developed and, from that, propose strategies for improvement throughout the teaching-learning process.
Educators in constant and solid vocational training, concerned with understanding, respecting and promoting learning through different methods; mediate knowledge and prepare for a highly successful academic and professional future. Overcoming is a systematic part of the teaching-learning process and seeks to motivate students by integrating theory and practice, transforming prior knowledge into more structured and complex understandings.
The objectives of elementary school at Passionista Santa Luzia College are: to enable the student, through the pedagogical proposal, to acquire and develop the knowledge that will allow him to interact in the world around him; develop integrated, continuous and progressive pedagogical activities that meet the student's bio-psycho-social characteristics; provide them with the possibility of communicating with people and God in a growing line of depth and using scientific knowledge as a tool for the overall development of the person, with the aim of forming human beings passionate about science and scientists passionate about human beings.
In the first cycle of elementary school (1st to 5th grade) teachers are multipurpose. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the curriculum provides essential activities for the human and social formation of our students. Subjects: Portuguese Language; Mathematics; Sciences; Story; Geography; English language; Religious education; PE; Musical education; Computer Lab with use of educational software; Art and the Mind Lab Project, by Mind Lab, a proposal where through games the students increase their skills of logical reasoning and intra and interpersonal relationships.


System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Santa Luzia
Av. Dr. Zezinho Bonifácio, 1176 - Nova Cidade - Barbacena, MG
CEP 36205-704
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo